Grab An Arrow Against the Wind by PH Solomon #Fantasy @AuthorP.H.Solomon #Dragons #MythicalCreatures

An Arrow Against The Wind
The Bow of Hart Series – Book 2

The Series:

Enter a world of magic, prophesies, and shapeshifting dragons with The Bow of Hart Saga – an award-winning, classic epic fantasy series. When a quest for the fabled Bow of Hart pits hero Athson against a dangerous shapeshifting dragon and a deadly wizard, he must navigate a world of danger and betrayal to save his land.

The dragon Magdronu stirs the world with his ambition of preeminence over his enemy Eloch. The dark dragon recruits servants like Corgren with promises of sorcerous power, then turns them against Eloch’s mystic followers, the Withling Order. The Withlings’ dying words prophesy a coming bow and one to wield it against Magdronu.

But as the dragon rises to preeminence and threatens to usurp kingdoms with deceit, will prophecy guide destiny toward the foretold end of Magdronu’s menace?

The dragon waits for centuries, poised with fire and claw to destroy both the bow and the promised hero. Rumor leads to the destruction of a village and a boy found by elves: Athson. Prophecy propels him toward destiny and the waiting menace of Magdronu.

Along the way, Athson encounters unforgettable characters, including a surviving Withling Hastra who knows of the Bow of Hart.

Full of twists, turns, and unexpected revelations, The Bow of Hart Saga is a gripping adventure. If you love classic epic fantasy with a fresh twist, unforgettable characters, and a plot that spins like an arrow in flight, this is the series for you. Start reading now to discover a world you’ll never forget! Find out more about The Bow of Hart Saga from the books below…

About the Book

Athson discovered the unexpected during the search for The Bow of Hart. Yet the prophesied weapon remains hidden.Mysteries discovered during the quest draw him deeper into the peril. The flames of vengeance surge in his thoughts with new revelations.

Can he escape the traps of his enemies?

The dragon’s reach endangers even Athson’s companions in unexpected ways. His enemy wants the bow, but his mentor claims it must be used according to prophesy. With each turn of the search for the bow, long-hidden secrets surface and Athson must find the bow or risk losing those dear to him.

When the dragon gains leverage over him, Athson is torn between destiny and desire.

But Athson seeks his own path.

Will he falter like an arrow against the wind?

The hero of this award-winning edition of “an entertaining fantasy series in the classic quest adventure mold” defies a merciless wizard and a sly dragon. But Athson’s on the hunt for more than destiny. His aim is tested between doom and vengeance.Download and read a piece of destiny now.

If you like epic fantasy, then you’ll love An Arrow Against the Wind because the adventure spins like an arrow in flight.

Reactions to An Arrow Against the Wind:
Awards: Fantasia Reviews 2017 Book of the Year
An Arrow Against the Wind stands out in the crowd. It is imaginative, yet familiar…. We have read more than a couple great books this year, and An Arrow Against the Wind is surely among them. – ★★★★★ Fantasia Reviews

You will not be disappointed reading this series. – ★★★★★

Books most like: The Sword of Shannara, Lord of the Rings and other classic, epic fantasy.

Who is PH Solomon?

I’ve always been a fantasy geek. Books by authors like Tolkien, McCaffrey, McKillip and more stoked my imagination on frosty winter nights as much as the fireplace warmed my limbs. Now I love writing my own fantasy tales. My imagination merges with my sense of everyday courage as I tell stories about characters challenged by life as they discover they matter. My background in anthropology mingles with my fantasy settings as my characters seek truth beyond their quests and adventures. Join me on the fantasy path and let’s share a book at the fire.

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