Rescued by Lyz Kelley @lyzkelley #SmallTown #Romance #SecondChance #ElkridgeSeries #RenesGetaway

She swore never to speak to him again even if he was her first and only love.

Karly can’t refuse her brother anything, even if she promised to check on Thad, the guy who left town without a word ten years ago. She’s been waiting a long time for him to tell her why he disappeared. He owes her an explanation. Heck, he owes her a lot more, but he can never know the secret she’s holding in her heart.

Thad wants to be left alone. Memories from Afghanistan haunt his days, and nightmares keep him awake at night. The last thing he wants is to train a dog again. The last one died saving his life. Yet, Karly needs help, and he’s never been able to refuse Karly anything.

If you love a small town, second-chance romance stories layered with emotion, suspense, and two people willing to risk it all for love, escape to Elkridge, a town filled with everyday heroes, and one who is hiding a secret.

Many of your books have challenging topics. Why?

The easiest explanation is that I believe everyone can be honorable, brave and loved no matter the circumstances. Blindness, domestic violence, and abuse can create fear and insecurities, yet each situation can be overcome with a gentle, patient, and healing love. In my heart, love begins with respect and the willingness to listen to gain mutual understanding. Without those two components, a relationship filled with love is hard to build.

 How did the Elkridge storyline develop?

I don’t want to spoil the series ending, but the series story arc started with Colorado legalizing marijuana, then it went from there. Question after question started popping into my head. The first question was, “How will the illegal drug trade change?” I started researching news articles on drug trafficking to find answers. Then one day a story formed. I’m glad I had my research notes when I talked to an FBI agent to nail down technical aspects of the story. Otherwise, he might have been a little more curious about why I was asking such in-depth questions. There is a saying, “Don’t judge me by my search engine history, I’m a writer.” {grin}

You say you write about honorable men and brave women, but your characters are so flawed.

Everyone can be a hero just by offering a smile, holding a door for another, or opening a medicine bottle for a person with arthritis. Heroes aren’t only those individuals who accomplish grand gestures. We may feel a smile is insignificant, but to the person on the receiving end, we might just have made that person’s day. Being a hero isn’t always about rescuing a child, or stopping a bank robbery, it can also be about the little things in life that bring joy.

Lyz Kelley’s Social Media

Hope   Healing   Happiness  Humanity  Humor  Heart

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