Check out Wellness Shots Recipe Book by Temmy Miller @Authourtemmy #Health #Wellness #Beauty #WomensHealth

About the book

Do you want to improve your health and overall wellness? Are you tired all the time?

Are you worried you’re not getting enough nutrients through your food?

With wellness shots, you’re having all your nutrients in 1 go -in 1 shot!

With wellness shots, the challenge sometimes is getting the exact amount of ingredients you need and knowing how to find the right balance.

This powerhouse book explains the different recipes in the right quantity in order the get all the full benefits.

Wellness shots in short give you all the supplements you need naturally and with the recipes, you have full control of what you’re putting in your body!

You can add more flavors and more ingredients to your taste!

Meet Temmy Miller

Temmy is a writer with a special interest in the field of Personal health and wellness. Her Passion is to help people change their lives in simple and realistic ways through her books. She believes everyone deserves the right to good health and healthy living does not have to be that difficult.

Temmy’s Social Media

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