Client Referrals

Kayelle Allen

Author and owner of Romance Lives Forever Books
Founder, Marketing for Romance Writers

I have worked with personal assistant Rene Migliore since August 2021. Rene handles promotion and social media for me.

During that time, she sought out publicity opportunities, scheduled events, created graphics, and managed posts on my blog as well as blog events through Marketing for Romance Writers. She ran monthly Instagram Follow Trains and tagged me in multiple reader groups on Facebook.

Before I stopped using Twitter, Rene logged in as me daily and thanked each person who mentioned me. I had over 14k followers, so this was no mean feat. She also coordinated shares from Triberr, but since it tied to Twitter, it has since ceased functioning. At one time, she managed my 15 Triberr “tribes” with a reach of 3M.

Rene was instrumental in helping me establish a TikTok account, for which she made eye-catching videos featuring character quotes and invitations to join my newsletter and Ream subscription.

Overall, Rene kept my name in front of readers in multiple ways. I trusted her to manage many aspects of my author business and books. If you are seeking a personal or virtual assistant, I offer the highest recommendation.

Zee Kelley

Rene, my exceptional author project manager, began with one newsletter and expanded to oversee all my social media and promotional activities.

Her deep understanding of my goals, coupled with creative insights, has propelled us to consistently achieve a 3% monthly growth rate.

Rene’s focused efforts have not only met but exceeded expectations. Plus, she’s earned several unique content awards, which proves she’s exceptional at what she does.

Working seamlessly with her has been a pleasure, and she stands out as the best in her field.

I eagerly anticipate our continued collaboration, confident that Rene will continue to drive success for my author business. 

Kim Alexander

As an indie author, I know that wearing all the hats is simply part of the job description. I also know there are things I am very good at (like writing books—I chose to celebrate myself!) and there are things I am not so great at (like designing covers—I’m not an artist.) And then there are things that make me crawl under the bed and hide—marketing. How I hate it so.

Since I am smart enough to recognize my limitations (I am bad at math! I don’t like to drive at night!) I made the decision to hire a PA. This journey began years ago, and I have hired and fired more than my share. Sometimes they are just a bad fit. Sometimes they are well-intentioned but flaky. And sometimes they just take the money and ghost.

Then I was lucky enough to find Rene.  Most of my conversations with Rene go like this:
Me: So do I need to do the thing?
Rene: LOL no already done. Go write your book.

It is hard to describe the relief of knowing that someone who says they’ll do something actually does it—seems like a low bar, but it means a ton. Rene is like the engine that hums gently but constantly behind the scenes, leaving me free to stare out the window and write my next book. She is the soul of professionalism and she’s always there to help me off the ledge of whatever crisis I invented.

So yes, being an indie author means you’re the boss, but you don’t have to do it alone. Thanks, Rene!