Read Finding Love by Julie Navickas @AuthorJulieNavickas #Contemporary #Romance

Finding Love
Clumsy Little Hearts Trilogy Book 2
by Julie Navickas
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Who says you can’t find love over a plate of mushroom ravioli?

Rachel Prescott has always dated the wrong men.Each relationship begins with hope, but within months ends with “nope.”The harder she tries, the harder she fails. That is, until the new owner of Pier Ninety-Two, Miguel Rodriguez, spots her wallowing over her latest dating disaster in his restaurant.

Easily smitten with the brown-haired beauty, Miguel offers her his heart. Or at least, what’s left of it. Because Miguel has had his own troubled past finding the right woman. With the echo of lost love still haunting his heart, he convinces himself he’s ready to move on—and who better with than the spunky, sexy, and strong-willed, Rachel Prescott?

Over a bottle of wine (or two), Miguel and Rachel instantly connect. And by the end of the evening, it’s more than their shared plate of mushroom ravioli left steaming.

Best-selling and award-winning author Julie Navickas tugs at your heartstrings in her second book in the Clumsy Little Hearts trilogy about love and letting go of the past. Fans of KG Fletcher’s The Reining Hearts Series and Katie Cotugno’s How to Love will find a new one-click buy with Ms. Navickas’ romances. Fall in love with imperfect, but perfect for the right person.

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Excerpt #1:

“Rachel has always believed that the deck has been stacked against her when it comes to love.”

Miguel nodded. “She’s told me, too.”

“Good. Because it’s true.”

He snorted.

“I’m not kidding. She’s dated every idiot under the sun. Shady accountants. Frat boy dirtbags. Adrenaline junkies with a drug problem.” Rose widened her eyes. “Even a commercial airline pilot who collected vintage Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.”

Miguel scrunched his nose.

“Yeah, right?” She giggled. “You have to trust me when I tell you, when it comes to love… it just has never worked out for her. Until now.”

The breath caught in his throat. He released Rose’s fingers and gripped the back of his neck. Running his hands through his short crop of hair, he sighed as her sweet words stung.

“We’ve always poked fun at the men she’s brought home. Just one loser after the next. But that all changed when she met you.”

“I’m not a loser then?”

Rose laughed and shook her head. “The exact opposite. You won her heart.”

His soul sang. For a fleeting second, Rose’s words sealed the pit in his stomach, but reality battled on.

“If what you say is all true and I’m different from everyone else she’s been with, why did this happen?” He groaned. “Rachel pushed me away.”

“Miguel, I’m a chef, not a psychiatrist.”

Trusting Love

Clumsy Little Hearts Trilogy Book 1

What does a s’more, a tent, and a campfire have in common? For Ryan Prescott, it’s a typical weekend camping trip. But for Tess Browning… it’s a recipe for the truth.

Tess Browning earned the nickname Little Vixen for a reason. And she has no incentive to play by the rules anymore. Because why bother? All it ever did was trap her in a loveless marriage. Tossing faithfulness out the window, the only thing she is committed to now is her new code: keeping it fun, flirty, and deliciously sultry.

That is, until Ryan Prescott walks in and charms his way into her heart with a leather tool belt strapped around his waist. He’s sexy, smart, and as emotionally damaged as they come. And Ryan seemingly wants nothing more than to have Tess pick up the pieces of his broken heart.
But there’s one thing he doesn’t know about her.

When the details of Ryan’s past heartache come to light, Tess digs her hot pink heels into the ground and will stop at nothing to hide her past indiscretions from the man who stole her heart. Because if there’s one thing Ryan won’t tolerate—it’s dishonesty.

Will Tess manage to keep the truth hidden? Or, will the secrets of a lifetime shatter her one true chance at love?

Best-selling and award-winning author Julie Navickas brings back fan favorite, Tess Browning for her own shot at love. Readers of the Trading Heartbeats trilogy will recognize the flawed heroine but may not recognize the woman she’s become. After all, no one is above redemption. Fans of Lynn Painter’s Mr. Wrong Number and Katie Cotugno’s Birds of California will find a swoon-worthy and engaging romance in TRUSTING LOVE.

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Beside him, she released a heavy breath and lifted her gaze. The deep hues of blue sparkled, each eye coated in a thin layer of tears.

“Wait, is something wrong?” Ryan frowned and propped his body up on an elbow.

She shook her head and smiled. Dragging a hand down the side of his face, she paused on his cheek. “This happened really fast, didn’t it?”

You’re not wrong.

Ryan gripped her hand and pressed a kiss on her palm. “It did,” he muttered.

“One minute we’re picking out a paint color and the next we’re sleeping together beneath the stars.”

Their relationship flashed before his eyes, each smile on her lips gripping his heart as affection and desire built within his soul.

“It may have been fast, but that doesn’t make it any less real for me.”

A single tear slid down her cheek and dripped onto his arm. It rolled, falling to the blankets and dissolving into the material.

“It’s real for me, too.” She sniffled. “Maybe too real.”

A twinge gripped his gut. “What’s that mean?”

“Like, when is the other shoe going to drop?” She snorted. “When does the dream end, or the bubble burst?”

Just as cynical as me. You’ve been hurt just as bad, haven’t you?

Ryan sat up and reached for her sandals in the corner of the tent.

“What’re you doing?”

He pressed the first shoe into his chest. “I promise, I won’t drop it.” Holding the second sandal out to her, he placed it in her hands and guided it to her chest. “If you won’t.”

Her smile melted his heart. Eyeing a blonde curl falling in her face, he tucked it behind her ear as a shiver zipped along his spine—inspiration striking once more. “How about another adventure this morning, Ms. Browning?”

“Clothes on or off?”

With a wink, he pressed a kiss on her forehead. “That’ll be your choice.”

Julie Navickas is a best-selling and award-winning, nationally recognized contemporary romance novelist, known for her keen ability to tell heart-wrenching, second-chance love stories through relatable characters with humility, humor, and heroism. She is also an award-winning university instructor in the School of Communication at Illinois State University. Julie earned master’s degrees in both organizational communication and English studies with an emphasis in book history, as well as a bachelor’s degree in public relations, graduating cum laude from Illinois State University. She is a mom of three and has been happily married to her high school sweetheart for twelve years.

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Read Queen of Ruin by Paula Dombrowiak @pauladombrowiakauthor #Contemporary #Adult #Romance

Queen of Ruin
by Paula Dombrowiak
(Kingmaker Series, #2)
Publication date: June 11th 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance


Our marriage is fake. But our feelings are dangerously real…

Marrying playboy billionaire Darren Walker was only ever supposed to be a business deal.

If only it were that easy.

I’m finding it far too comfortable living in Darren’s world, and I never predicted I’d find real meaning in the charity I’m involved with while I pretend to be the perfect wife.

The worst thing is, I’m scared Darren’s feelings for me are becoming real, too.

But a woman with a past like mine doesn’t belong in a world like his. Especially because I thought my heart belonged to someone else before we were married. Someone much too close to him.

When Darren decides to leave his playboy ways behind and follow in his father’s footsteps, I must face reality. A marriage like ours won’t last forever.

Not when my former life has the power to come back to haunt me. There’s no way Darren’s reputation will survive the scandal of being married to a former escort.

And if I let myself get any deeper, neither will my heart…

Queen of Ruin is the second book in The Kingmaker trilogy, a steamy marriage of convenience romance full of political scandal. The books must be read in order for the best reader experience. This book does end in a cliffhanger.


Queen of Ruin Excerpt

“Revisionist history, Alistair,” I say, pointing my finger in the air before taking a seat on
the step.
Alistair takes a seat next to me, stretching out his long legs over the marble steps of the
Lincoln Memorial.
“We look back on history and memorialize a great man, but we forget about the flaws; we
minimize them. His martyrdom makes it impossible to point them out. It’s true that Lincoln had
one foot in the 20th century, but the other foot was still planted heavily in the 19th,” I lament,
“and yet here we sit on the steps of this memorial that holds the daily pilgrimage of thousands,
and we forget about those innate things that made him human.”
“We’re not really talking about Lincoln, are we?” Alistair asks astutely.
“I didn’t get along with my father,” I say as a matter of fact. “That’s never been in
question; a constant since as far back as I can remember, and yet I always looked up to him.” I
sigh, tilting my head towards Alistair who looks down at his clasped hands resting on his thighs.
“But I always thought I knew him. Lately, I’m beginning to question that, to question a lot of
“Anything in particular that you didn’t know?” he inquires, lifting a brow.
I pull out the envelope and hand it to Alistair.
“Fuck,” he says, “He was a client?”
“No, these were taken four years ago. She was a student, and my father was giving a
speech at her university. She said nothing happened.”
“Do you believe her?” The photos are damning without context, but that’s the problem
with photos – they’re up to the interpretation of the viewer.
“Bailey was there when they met and attests to the fact that he drove my father back to his
hotel alone.”
“That’s not what I asked,” he questions.
“I wanted to believe her,” I admit, peering over at Alistair. “But it’s this part of me,” I
gesture to the monument, “that needs the facts.”
“Who gave those to you?” Alistair’s question breaks through my thoughts. “Rausch?” He
gives a dark laugh.

“I know he’s pissed that you circumvented the will, but now that it’s done, what does it
matter to him?”
“Other than to gloat that he was right about marrying her?” I scoff. “I’m not worried about
that.” I shake my head. “It’s who he got the photos from that I’m worried about.”
“If the press had gotten ahold of them…” Alistair doesn’t finish his sentence, but he
doesn’t have to. This would be a huge scandal, whether it was an innocent interaction or not.
Politics runs on perception, not to mention the media storm that would descend on Evangeline.
Even though I’m angry, I wouldn’t wish that upon her or the destruction of my parents’
“Someone’s had these for four years, Alistair,” I point out, my voice sounding grave with
the weight of it. “I have a feeling it was Langley.”
“But what would he have to gain from that?” Alistair asks. “Rumor around Washington
was that he was going to be your father’s first pick as a running mate.”
Something my father taught me – Presidential elections aren’t won in the final hour.
Presidents are made decades before they even run.
Feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket, I hold my hand up for Alistair to stop as I take a
call. He rolls his eyes.
“Sir, I’ve been notified that the jet is ready for flight,” Bailey explains on the other end.
“What are you talking about?”
“The crew called me to find out if you would be joining.”
“Bailey, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I start to get agitated.
“I don’t think Evangeline knew that the flight crew would alert anyone.”
“What’s going on?” Alistair asks, the creases of concern fanning his eyes.
“Evangeline’s leaving, and she’s taking my fucking plane.” My heart races and the sudden
change makes me feel dizzy. Never did I think she would actually leave – especially when she
knows what’s at stake.
“Leaving?” he asks, tilting his head in confusion. “Does she know she’s not getting any
money unless she stays the whole year?”

“She knows damn well!” I yell, pacing along the steps. But if I thought Evangeline cared
about the money, I’d have bought her a closet full of designer gowns, fur coats, or whatever the
fuck she wanted.
She’d rather leave penniless then stay with me.
I press the phone to my ear and ask to be patched into the pilot.
“What’s the destination?” I ask before the pilot can utter a word.
“Sorry, Mr. Walker?”
“Where the fuck is my wife going?” I fume.
“Las Vegas, sir,” the captain confirms. “Do you want me to cancel the flight?”



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Paula Dombrowiak grew up in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois but currently lives in Arizona. She is the author of Blood and Bone, her first adult romance novel which combines her love of music and imperfect relationships. Paula is a lifelong music junkie, whose wardrobe consists of band T-shirts and leggings which are perpetually covered in pet hair. She is a sucker for a redeemable villain, bad boys, and the tragically flawed. Music inspires her storytelling.

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Read Forever and Always Series by Nora Bloom @AuthorNoraBloom #Contemporary #Romance #SmallTown

My Enemy’s Boyfriend
by Linda Kage
(The Seven, #2)
Publication date: May 23rd 2024
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance

Get swept away by Nora Bloom’s romantic Always and Forever trilogy!

A Sister’s Secret
The Forever and Always Series Book 3
by Nora Bloom
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Newly married, Oliver and Lisa are having the time of their lives in their small Alaskan town. The kids are thriving, and so is the family business. The café and woodshop are everything Oliver and Lisa dreamt of, and they almost believe they have it all.

Until their world is shattered by the news of Oliver’s sister’s death.

Death by suicide, the police say.

The local sheriff arrives at the café and tells them the news, and Oliver must face his past, something that threatens to drag him down into an unseen darkness. Oliver starts to drink, and it threatens to tear their family apart.

Determined to heal Oliver’s wound and keep her family together, Lisa investigates his sister’s disappearance ten years ago. The more she digs, the more dangerous it gets until she realizes she has put her own family in great danger. She uncovers an unsettling secret that has been buried for years underneath the small town’s thick ice.

A Sister’s Secret is the third and last installment in the Forever and Always trilogy by romance author Nora Bloom.


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The One That Got Away

The Forever and Always Series Book 2

Oliver and Lisa are living the dream. They are enjoying life with each other in their small Alaskan town. They started a café and woodshop together, and everything seemed complete with the birth of their little daughter, Julia.

Until someone from Oliver’s past shows up, holding the hand of a young boy. Ava was Oliver’s first great love, who disappeared overnight without a word. Now, she is back and wants to create a family with him and their son. Oliver had prayed for this moment to come, for her to return, but he thought he had moved on.

What will he do next?

What about his new family? Will he have to let them go to be a father to the son he didn’t know he had?

Is he still in love with Ava, and can he really trust her?

The One That Got Away is the second book in the Forever and Always trilogycreated by romance author Nora Bloom.

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The Lies We Live By

The Forever and Always Series Book 1

Oliver Thomasson has it all together.
He grew up in the same small Alaskan fishing town by the ocean where he still lives, and he has become a fisherman just like his father and grandfather before him. He has no plans to fall in love, but plans—as we all know—have a tendency to change.

Lisa Montgomery is new in town.
She has never lived in Alaska before but quickly settles into this small and welcoming town. She has no plans to fall in love either. In fact, it’s the last thing on her mind as she starts her new job at the local tavern.

Until she meets Oliver, and everything changes. Lisa tries to fight it since this is definitely not a complication she needs in her life.
Despite her reluctance, Oliver doesn’t give up, and soon, she finds herself falling for this stoic fisherman with a heart of gold.

But Lisa doesn’t talk about her past, and soon, it catches up to her, bringing a fierce storm to the quaint town and especially into Oliver’s life.

The question is if they can weather it together, or will they fall apart?

Is their newfound love enough to face the demons of Lisa’s past?

The Lies We Live By is the first book in the Forever and Always trilogy by romance author Nora Bloom.

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Nora Bloom is a distinguished author, recognized for her best-selling romance novels. Her works seamlessly blend elements of suspense and mystery, creating a unique literary experience. Outside of her professional endeavors, she dedicates her time to her family, which includes her children, two cats, and a Goldendoodle.

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Read My Enemy’s Boyfriend by Linda Kage @authorlindakage #Contemporary #Romance #NewAdult #NewRelease

My Enemy’s Boyfriend
by Linda Kage
(The Seven, #2)
Publication date: May 23rd 2024
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance


It was no mystery why I hated Genesis Gusano. She liked to take other people’s things. The bitch stole a pair of my cutest shoes along with my favorite necklace and a school paper I’d written, which had nearly gotten me expelled from Haverick University entirely. But the last straw came when she dared to take the one thing I’d been pining over for two years.


I had craved Hudson Ivey in a way I didn’t even know craving was possible, and that was before I’d learned his dang name.

He had no idea he’d become a possession that two enemies were warring over. All he wanted to do was graduate with his culinary arts degree and become the best chef possible.

But now he’s stuck in Genesis’s sick game until a ghost from his past changes all the rules, possessing him in a whole new, far more dangerous way.

I promised myself I was done with the paranormal life. I was determined to be a normal, everyday, average girl. But I can’t just stand aside and watch him be destroyed. So I guess it’s time for a little Faith to step in and save the day.


“What the hell are you wearing?”

“Huh?” He glanced down at himself, then added, “Oh. Yeah. I had my six-month evaluation at work this evening. Didn’t get a chance to change out of the monkey suit before I had to leave home again.”

I wanted to ask him why he’d had to leave home so unexpectedly in the first place, but…

He was wearing a suit.

Unable to get past that, I backed myself into the nearest wall and stared, basically forced to gawk unashamedly.

“Suit,” I whimpered, no longer operating with brain cells but supercharged by hormones alone.

He sent me an amused squint as he slipped his hand down his tie and stepped close. “Yes, I’m in a suit,” he answered before he grinned suddenly and winked at me. “And I look good in it, too, don’t I? But, uh…” He motioned his finger around me. “Why are you hovering against the wall like that?”

I shuddered, and all my self-discipline crumbled. “To keep myself from doing…this.”

Reaching out, I grabbed his tie and yanked him forward with it, intent to crush his mouth against mine.

But the man had super reflexes. “Whoa. Hey!” he cautioned, slamming his palm against the wall near my face to brace himself from getting tugged all the way in.

Our noses were about five inches apart as he grinned and shook his head. “Down, girl. I thought you were an all-looky, no-touchy kind of stalker.”

“What in God’s name made you think that?” I demanded, scowling slightly as I tugged experimentally on his tie, only to find his resistance firm and unwavering. “I never agreed to that.”

“It’s part of this unspoken thing between us,” he argued, looking amused as his attention strayed down to my mouth.

I scowled. “There’s no unspoken thing between us.”

His gaze shot back up to mine, and when his eyebrows crinkled in a really? kind of way, I started to melt.

“Sure there is,” he murmured in a silken, hot voice that made my freaking ovaries start to sizzle.

And those eyebrows…

Oh God, he was using them on me, and it was the most amazing thing in the world.

I begged him with my stare, pleaded with him to change his mind and just kiss me already.

In return, his features softened. His head swayed toward me, loosening to the pull between us. He was giving in to the idea, I could see it on his face.

So I whispered…





Linda writes romance fiction from YA to adult, contemporary to fantasy. Most Kage stories lean more toward the lighter, sillier side with a couple meaningful moments thrown in. Focuses more on entertainment value and emotional impact.
Published since 2010. Went through a 2-year writing correspondence class in children’s literature from The Institute of Children’s Literature. Then graduated with a Bachelors in Arts, English with an emphasis in creative fiction writing from Pittsburg State University.

Now she lives with hubby, two daughters, cat Holly, and nine cuckoo clocks in southeast Kansas, USA. Farm girl. Parents were dairy farmers. Was youngest of eight. Big family. Day job as a cataloging library assistant.

Harry Potter House Gryffindor, Patronus White Stallion, character match Hagrid. Supernatural Team Dean. Game of Thrones Team Jon Snow and Tyrion Lannister. The Walking Dead Team Daryl. Outlander Team Jamie Fraser. Teen Wolf Team Stiles. Avenger Team Thor…or Hulk (can’t decide). Justice League Team Flash. Arrow Team Stephen Amell. Stranger Things obsessed. Heard Laurel, not Yanny.

Started out reading with the Baby-Sitters Club. Then moved to Sandra Brown, Linda Howard, Julie Garwood, and LaVyrle Spencer in high school. Now all over the place with her romance reading tastes.

Author links:
Twitter: @lindakage –
Facebook: Linda Kage – Romance Author –
Instagram: @lindakagebks –
Readers Group:

The Grumpy Boss Agreement by Vivian Wood #Romance #NewRelease #officeromaance #singledad @RenesGetaway @wildfiremarketingsolutions

Vivan Wood
Release Date: January 26

A grumpy boss and single dad with a big project on the horizon. His sexy new assistant, who has a brilliant smile, a sunny attitude, and an oversized heart. The stolen kiss that they can’t forget, no matter how much they try…

After my fiancée left me standing at the altar, I kissed a gorgeous, sultry woman. Months later, that same sunny blonde with a dazzling smile is introduced as Savannah, my new assistant. I try not to panic, but I’ve been fantasizing about her ever-so-kissable lips during my dark, lonely nights. Savannah needs money, and I happen to need a community mouthpiece who can sweet talk the locals.

It’s a match made in heaven… or in my personal hell. From the first second I look into Savannah’s pretty green eyes, I am toast. She is bright and chipper and eager to help a grumpy boss like me succeed. I can bark orders at her all day, but she just smiles and hops to it. It’s annyong how Savannah just smiles at people and somehow ends up getting her way.

Moving back home to Cape Simon is what’s best for my son Charlie. Being a single dad to him all

by myself has been tough. Here he can be surrounded by my large, close-knit family. That’s assuming my pro-athlete brother Rex doesn’t drive me insane with his endless demands first.

Lovely, sweet Savannah sticks around to lend me a hand. I’m powerless to resist her sunshine-y charm. She just loves to help anyone and everyone. And what do I do? Grab her by the shoulders, pull her against my body, and kiss her lips until she’s breathless. It’s stupid, reckless, and thoughtless… but it feels so right.

Opposites attract, but nothing can happen between us. I’m not planning on staying in town long. And she’s such a good girl that she practically screams relationship material. Been there, done that, got jilted in a tux.

There’s no way I’m going to kiss her again. No matter how gorgeous she looks, how desperately I start to want her, or how many times we get stuck together spending all afternoon in a tiny swamp shack…

Grab Your Copy!

Meet Vivian Wood:

Vivian Wood is a USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and Amazon Top 20 bestselling author. She specializes in writing about damaged billionaires, ruined princesses, mouthy ballerinas, and anti-heroes that are oh-so-deliciously bad.

Vivian likes to write about troubled, deeply flawed alpha males and the fiery, kick-ass women who bring them to their knees.

Vivian’s lasting motto in romance is a quote from a favorite song: “Soulmates never die.”

Get a free book and keep up with Vivian, subscribe to her newsletter:

To learn more about Vivian Wood & her books, visit here!

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Head Over Heels by Karla Sorensen @karlasorensenbooks #Romance #NewRelease #SmallTown #BookTour @RenesGetaway @wildfiremarketingsolutions

What does a s’more, a tent, and a campfire have in common?

Karla Sorensen

Release Date: January 24

There’s only one course of action when your dad wants you to marry a clammy-handed wimp to make one of his board members happy—you get yourself stuck in an elevator with a hot stranger and have the steamiest make-out session of your life. Years of etiquette lessons went out the window thanks to Cameron Wilder, who managed to unleash my hidden bad girl with naught but his talented mouth and deliciously rough hands.

Afterwards, he went back to his small-town life, and I marched home to inform my dad there would be no business-centric nuptials. As punishment, he shipped me off to Sisters, Oregon and demanded I turn a healthy profit on a not-so-healthy property.

You see where I’m going with this—the buttoned-up city girl stuck in a small town hires a local builder to help her … and he’s the hot stranger from the elevator. Turns out, I have a weakness for the broad-shouldered nice guy who’s not so nice behind closed doors. Keeping things professional gets harder the longer I’m in town, until the only lesson I have left to learn is how to keep both our hearts from getting broken.

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Meet Karla Sorensen:

Karla Sorensen is an Amazon top 20 bestselling author who refuses to read or write anything without a happily ever after.

When she’s not devouring historical romance or avoiding the laundry, you can find her watching football (British AND American), HGTV or listening to Enneagram podcasts so she can psychoanalyze everyone in her life, in no particular order of importance.

With a degree in Advertising and Public Relations from Grand Valley State University, she made her living in senior healthcare prior to writing full-time. Karla lives in Michigan with her husband, two boys and a big, shaggy rescue dog named Bear.

Keep up with Karla Sorensen and subscribe to her newsletter:

To learn more about Karla Sorensen & her books, visit here!

Connect with Karla Sorensen:

Hosted By:

Trusting Love by Julie Navickas @JulieNavickas #Romance #NewRelease #ClumsyLittleHearts #BookTour @RenesGetaway @SilverDaggerBookTours

What does a s’more, a tent, and a campfire have in common?

Trusting Love
Clumsy Little Hearts Trilogy Book 1
by Julie Navickas
Genre: Contemporary Romance

What does a s’more, a tent, and a campfire have in common? For Ryan Prescott, it’s a typical weekend camping trip. But for Tess Browning… it’s a recipe for the truth.

Tess Browning earned the nickname Little Vixen for a reason. And she has no incentive to play by the rules anymore. Because why bother? All it ever did was trap her in a loveless marriage. Tossing faithfulness out the window, the only thing she is committed to now is her new code: keeping it fun, flirty, and deliciously sultry.

That is, until Ryan Prescott walks in and charms his way into her heart with a leather tool belt strapped around his waist. He’s sexy, smart, and as emotionally damaged as they come. And Ryan seemingly wants nothing more than to have Tess pick up the pieces of his broken heart.
But there’s one thing he doesn’t know about her.

When the details of Ryan’s past heartache come to light, Tess digs her hot pink heels into the ground and will stop at nothing to hide her past indiscretions from the man who stole her heart. Because if there’s one thing Ryan won’t tolerate—it’s dishonesty.

Will Tess manage to keep the truth hidden? Or, will the secrets of a lifetime shatter her one true chance at love?

Best-selling and award-winning author Julie Navickas brings back fan favorite, Tess Browning for her own shot at love. Readers of the Trading Heartbeats trilogy will recognize the flawed heroine but may not recognize the woman she’s become. After all, no one is above redemption. Fans of Lynn Painter’s Mr. Wrong Number and Katie Cotugno’s Birds of California will find a swoon-worthy and engaging romance in TRUSTING LOVE.

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Beside him, she released a heavy breath and lifted her gaze. The deep hues of blue sparkled, each eye coated in a thin layer of tears.

“Wait, is something wrong?” Ryan frowned and propped his body up on an elbow.

She shook her head and smiled. Dragging a hand down the side of his face, she paused on his cheek. “This happened really fast, didn’t it?”

You’re not wrong.

Ryan gripped her hand and pressed a kiss on her palm. “It did,” he muttered.

“One minute we’re picking out a paint color and the next we’re sleeping together beneath the stars.”

Their relationship flashed before his eyes, each smile on her lips gripping his heart as affection and desire built within his soul.

“It may have been fast, but that doesn’t make it any less real for me.”

A single tear slid down her cheek and dripped onto his arm. It rolled, falling to the blankets and dissolving into the material.

“It’s real for me, too.” She sniffled. “Maybe too real.”

A twinge gripped his gut. “What’s that mean?”

“Like, when is the other shoe going to drop?” She snorted. “When does the dream end, or the bubble burst?”

Just as cynical as me. You’ve been hurt just as bad, haven’t you?

Ryan sat up and reached for her sandals in the corner of the tent.

“What’re you doing?”

He pressed the first shoe into his chest. “I promise, I won’t drop it.” Holding the second sandal out to her, he placed it in her hands and guided it to her chest. “If you won’t.”

Her smile melted his heart. Eyeing a blonde curl falling in her face, he tucked it behind her ear as a shiver zipped along his spine—inspiration striking once more. “How about another adventure this morning, Ms. Browning?”

“Clothes on or off?”

With a wink, he pressed a kiss on her forehead. “That’ll be your choice.”

Julie Navickas is an award-winning, nationally recognized contemporary romance novelist, known for her keen ability to tell heart-wrenching, second-chance love stories through relatable characters with humility, humor, and heroism. She is also an award-winning university instructor and serves as the executive director of The Writing Champions Project. Julie earned master’s degrees in both organizational communication and English studies with an emphasis in book history, as well as a bachelor’s degree in public relations, graduating cum laude from Illinois State University.

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REMEMBERING PASSION by Aleatha Romig is LIVE! @AleathaRomig #NewRelease #Romance #Suspense @RenesGetaway

About the book

Damien Sinclair is a force of nature, the beauty of a sunset over the ocean while capable of devastating hurricane-strength winds. At one time, he’d held my heart in his hands. That was until the day I walked away.

I didn’t leave him because I didn’t love him. It was that loving him was too much, an all-encompassing affair. In his presence, I failed to exist.

For two years, I worked to build a life free from Damien’s irresistible pull. I succeeded until one fate-filled afternoon I found myself seated by his side for a long flight. Unbelievably, we were headed to the same destination. His sinfully charming smile, charisma, and devilish smirk reminded me of all we’d shared.




Forgetting him had been agony.

Will I survive remembering?

Have you been Aleatha’d?

The Sinclair Duet is a scorching hot, second-chance romance filled with the suspense and intrigue you’ve come to expect from #NewYorkTimesBestsellingAuthor Aleatha Romig.

Where to Remembering Passion

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Meet Aleatha Romig

Aleatha Romig is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author who lives in Indiana, USA. She grew up in Mishawaka, graduated from Indiana University, and is currently living south of Indianapolis as well as part of the year in Bradenton, Florida, USA. Before she became a full-time author, she worked days as a dental hygienist and spent her nights writing. Now, when she’s not imagining mind-blowing twists and turns, she likes to spend her time with her friends and family, including her beloved grandchildren.

Aleatha released her first novel, CONSEQUENCES, in August of 2011. CONSEQUENCES became a bestselling series with five novels and two companions released from 2011 through 2015. The compelling and epic story of Anthony and Claire Rawlings has graced more than a million e-readers. Her next series, INFIDELITY (not about cheating) hit New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today best-seller lists. Aleatha has since released over fifty novels in multiple genres: dark romance, romantic suspense, thriller, and romantic comedy. She went back to her edge-of-your-seat romantic suspense thrillers with her WEB SERIES trilogies, Devil’s Duet, Kingdom Come, and most recently with her suspense series, the Sin series, ready to binge.

END GAME by G.A. Mazurke is LIVE! @SerenaAkeroyd w/a GA Mazurke #NewRelease #Romance @RenesGetaway

About the book

Billet family [definition] – A family that opens their home to out-of-town/province/country players.

She’s my lifeline, my rock…
When I was billeted with the Bukowskis, I made a mistake.
I didn’t lock Gracie Agnieska Bukowski down.
Instead, like a 16-year-old idiot, I became best friends with her brother, Kow, and now, the family considers me one of their own.
Until her, hockey was my only refuge. So, when I’m traded to the New York Stars, my first move is to change my number to 35. See, we made a vow, one that she might have forgotten, but I haven’t.
Gracie’s about to be swept off her feet.
I’m going to prove to her that not only is she not my sister…
She’s my end game.

Where to Buy End Game

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Also available in #KindleUnlimited.

Meet GA Mazurke

G. A. Mazurke is the crazy lady behind Serena Akeroyd, crafter of smexy heroes you just wanna lick. While Serena has us expecting dark romance with lots of twists and turns … G. A. is her more mainstream/contemporary personality.

She explores her sweeter side while keeping the sexy we love, where the women fall hard but the men fall harder.

Some of G. A.’s books will cross over into Serena’s universes… so expect a cameo or two from beloved characters, while discovering new bands of brothers, with the banter, the laughs, and the tears you are used to.

MINE TO PROMISE by #NatashaMadison is now LIVE! @natashamauthor #NewRelease #SmallTown #SecondChance @RenesGetaway

About the book

From #WallStreetJournal & #USAToday bestselling author Natasha Madison comes a #SmallTown, #OneNightStand, #SecretBaby, #SecondChanceRomance.

When two worlds crossover. From the This Is Series and The Southern Series.

From Wall Street Journal & USA Today bestselling author Natasha Madison comes a small town, one night stand, secret baby, second chance romance.

When two worlds crossover. From the This Is Series and The Southern Series.

I never thought I would see him again.
Especially while I was planning someone else’s wedding—yet there he was holding hands with his girlfriend.
Our one night was wild and passionate; I could never forget him because it changed my life.
Now he’s here—and the result of our one night is twirling in a princess dress at our feet.

I didn’t make mistakes.
I was the one you called in when you needed answers.
I was cutthroat but they didn’t pay me to be nice.
I was in control every single second.
The only time I let my guard down was five years ago.
If I thought seeing the woman I could never forget again would throw me off—it’s nothing like seeing our daughter for the first time.

Where to Buy Mine To Take

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FREE in #KindleUnlimited

Meet Natasha Madison

When Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestselling author Natasha Madison’s nose isn’t buried in a book, or her fingers flying across a keyboard writing, she’s in the kitchen creating gourmet meals. You can find her, in four-inch heels no less, in the car chauffeuring kids, or possibly with her husband scheduling his business trips. It’s a good thing her characters do what she says because even her Labrador doesn’t listen to her…